InLoop provides innovative solutions to real-world problems
Making the complex simple for businesses, clients, schools, parents, healthcare providers and patients, InLoop provides simple, effective and secure payment solutions across three brands: Flexischools, LanternPay and Nuonic.
Zubin Appoo joined InLoop in 2018, following a 15-year tenure as Innovation Manager at WiseTech Global. With an enthusiasm for the power of education and the potential for technology to deliver better educational outcomes, he was particularly interested in the work that Flexischools does to revolutionise and simplify payment strategies for educational peripherals, such as school lunches, events and uniforms.
Currently focusing primarily on Flexischools as his area of expertise, Appoo explains that InLoop uses technology to “deliver solutions to the education and healthcare industries that others have not been able to do”. In cutting through the bureaucracy and identifying a problem that needs to be genuinely solved, InLoop’s platforms achieve the vital objective of helping real people with real, everyday issues. For example, says Appoo, Flexischools works to address the fact that parents are busy, and thus do not always have the time to prepare nutritious lunches for their children or purchasing bespoke school uniforms when required. “In this sense,” he adds, “it was really born out of making busy parents’ lives easier, and busy kids’ lives easier to manage.”